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2015年9月27日 星期日

DAZ Studio 4.8 簡介


DAZ Studio是設計獨特的數字藝術和使用虛擬人物,動物,道具,車輛,配件,環境和多個動畫的完美工具。
繼承了最好的第3版,DAZ Studio 4引入了一個新的外觀和感覺集中在易於使用的特性。有包括在應用程式中,
版本相容,DAZ Studio 4使下一代從DAZ 3D的GenesisTM系列數字。創世紀系列利於人物創作,定制和分享了
一個全新的模式。 DAZ Studio是一個功能豐富的3D圖形定制,構成動畫工具,使任何人都可以創造讓人驚豔的



‧測量 - 地圖刷(新) - 繪畫TriAxTM和傳統的或為您的數位地圖。
‧轉移實用程式(新) - 索具傳輸,分組和形狀從場景中的一個對像到另一個。
‧多邊形組編輯器工具(新) - 在任何模型建立/編輯多邊形組。
‧圖設定索引片(更新) - (以前骨架設定)定義骨骼層次的身影,關聯的幾何結構,以及它們之間的關係。
‧聯合編輯工具(更新) - 操縱關節參數一個數字,隨著建立和/或刪除骨骼的能力。
‧CR2出口商(更新) - 匯出數字的字元PoserR(.CR2)格式。
‧屬性編輯器索引片(更新) - 財產屬性質量編輯,以及建立,刪除,分組,排序和連結。
‧ERC凍結 - 調整屬性值(通過參數標籤或預設/姿勢)和這些屬性連結到一個控制器;自動計算以驅動特性根據其現用的值時,所述控制器被設定為它的現用的值(或1中的數值為0的情況下)所需要的標量。
‧變形載入加載程式(更新版) - 快速,輕鬆地加入自己的自訂和第三方搖身一變對像在場景中,使用Wavefront對像(* .OBJ)檔案,還有更多的選取,比進階版本更大的控制權。
‧EXP匯出 - 通過可視化介面生成EXP產品檔案。此工具大大簡化了非常乏味和耗時的過程,必須用手動在此之前的工具進行。

GoZ Bridge For DAZ Studio 4

如果你是沉迷於數百萬 PixologicTM ZBrush 提供給您的多邊形,和操縱角色控制由DAZ Studio 4它能提供給你,你不用選取。橋接器將容許你把你的模型從DAZ Studio 4到 ZBrush 並返回,提供方便。結合與DAZ Studio 4個專業這些應用程式的優勢。

3D Bridge Adobe Photoshop

輕鬆地構成人物和物體立體,而在DAZ Studio結果在Photoshop可看到自動更新。

FBX Autodesk 匯出
FBX容許你給你創造尖端的內容,而不必擔心相互的相容性的能力,最大限度地發揮其內容製作的管道。它提供了從各種各樣的應用和原料提供者的3D內容方面的強大的新途徑。支援FBX在DAZ Studio讓你通過FBX合作夥伴的廣泛的網路訪問豐富的工具和提供內容。

建立角色或模式的遊戲嗎?提高效率和效能為遊戲和實時效能與紋理地圖集。紋理圖冊DAZ Studio容許您自動收集所有與選取的數字,大小關聯聯的紋理和規模的圖像,並結合成新的紋理組。改善組合的紋理地圖用於降低圖像的整體尺寸和提高在實時應用效能的空間。


【文章標題】:(虛擬人物動畫工具)DAZ Studio Pro
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
DAZ Studio Pro

DAZ Studio is the perfect tool to design unique digital art and animations using virtual people, animals, props, vehicles, accessories, environments and more. Simply select your subject and/or setting, arrange accessories, setup lighting, and begin creating beautiful artwork. Inheriting the best of version 3, DAZ Studio 4 introduces a new look and feel focused on ease-of-use. There are new video tutorials included within the application to help users get up to speed quickly, along with many technological innovations to improve the creation experience. While compatible with past versions of 3D models and add-ons, DAZ Studio 4 enables the next generation of figures from DAZ 3D, the GenesisTM series. The Genesis series facilitates a whole new paradigm of figure creation, customization, and sharing. DAZ Studio is a feature rich 3D figure customization, posing, and animation tool that enables anyone to create stunning digital illustrations and animations. DAZ Studio is the perfect tool to design unique digital art and animations using virtual people, animals, props, vehicles, accessories, environments and more. Simply select your subject and/or setting, arrange accessories, setup lighting, and begin creating beautiful artwork. Power users and content creators will like how PRO works with their current tools.

• Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
• Mulitple Undo/Redo
• OpenGL Hardware Accelerated Preview
• Support Drag and Drop
• Import User Settings
• Powerfull Modeling Features
• Rendering & Effects Features
• n-Photorealistic Rendering
• MultiProcessor Support
• OpenGL Support
• Support OBJ, OBZ, JPG, DSI, PNG, TIFF, BMP, BHV file formats
• Export to AVI movies
• And much more

What's Included & Features

Content Creator Toolkit
• Weight-Map Brush (New) - Paint TriAxTM and traditional weight-maps for your figures.
• Transfer Utility (New) - Transfer rigging, grouping, and shapes from one object in your scene to another.
• Polygon Group Editor Tool (New) - Create/Edit polygon groups on any model.
• Figure Setup Tab (Updated) - (previously Skeleton Setup) Define the bone hierarchy for a figure, associated geometries, and the relationships between them.
• Joint Editor Tool (Updated) - Manipulate the Joint Parameters of a figure, along with the ability to create and/or remove bones.
• CR2 Exporter (Updated) - Export figures to the Poser® Character (.cr2) format.
• Property Editor Tab (Updated) - Mass editing of property attributes, as well as creation, deletion, grouping, ordering and linking.
• ERC Freeze - Adjust property values (via Parameters tab or Presets/Poses) and link those properties to a controller; automatically calculating the scalar required to drive the properties to their current value when the controller is set to its current value (or 1 in the case of a 0 value).
• Morph Loader Pro (Updated) - Quickly and easily add your own custom and third-party morphs to objects in your scene, using Wavefront Object (*.obj) files, with many more options and much greater control than the Advanced version.
• ExP Exporter - Generate ExP product files through a visual interface. This tool greatly simplifies a very tedious and time-consuming process that had to be done by hand prior to this tool.

GoZ Bridge For DAZ Studio 4

If you are addicted to the millions of polygons available to you in PixologicTM ZBrush®, and love the rigging and character control afforded you by DAZ Studio 4, you do not have to choose. This bridge will allow you take your model from DAZ Studio 4 to ZBrush and back, with ease. Combine the strengths of these great applications with DAZ Studio 4 Professional.

3D Bridge for Adobe® Photoshop®

Easily pose characters and objects three-dimensionally while in DAZ Studio and see automatically updated results in Photoshop.

Autodesk® FBX Exporter
FBX allows you to maximize their content creation pipeline by giving you the ability to create cutting edge content without having to worry about inter-package compatibility. It provides a powerful new way of working with 3D content from a wide variety of applications and source material providers. Support for FBX in DAZ Studio gives you access to the wealth of tools and content available through the extensive network of FBX partners.

Texture Atlas
Creating characters or models for games? Increase efficiency and performance for games and real-time performance with Texture Atlas. Texture Atlas for DAZ Studio allows you to automatically collect all of the textures associated with a selected figure, size and scale those images, and combine them into new texture groupings. Optimize the space used in the combined texture atlas to reduce the overall size of the images and improve performance in real-time applications.

(虛擬人物動畫工具)DAZ Studio Pro | Homepage:


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