
參觀我的【 伊生活小舖】

2017年5月23日 星期二

6大飲食原則 不會吃出糖尿病、高血壓


2017年5月7日 星期日

How To Add A Blogger Custom Robots.txt File?

How To Add A Blogger Custom Robots.txt File? For self-hosted blogs, we usually create a robots.txt file and upload it to our server’s root directory. But blogger provides a robots.txt file by default. We can edit this robots.txt file as the way we want. So if you want to put some custom rule for robots of your blogger blog then 1. Login to your blogger account. 2. Go to the “Settings” section of your blog. 3. Click on the “Search Preferences” section. 4. Scroll down and find “Custom Robots.txt.” 5. Enable it and put your custom rule text for allowing or disallowing something of your blog right after the “User-agent: *” line. Now click on the “Save Changes” button and you are done.

2017年5月6日 星期六

How to Create Promoted Pins
You must have a business Pinterest account in order to access and run your own promoted pins campaigns.

How to Create Promoted Pins

To access the promoted pins platform, click on the Ads clickable tab and drop down menu, which can be located in the left hand corner.
This will take you to the dashboard, where you can see the total number of impressions, engagement, conversions, and ad spend on all your campaigns in the prior week. This information can be broken down by engagement campaigns and traffic campaigns.
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To get started creating a promoted pin, click on the + in the top right hand corner of Pinterest’s navigation bar, and select “Create an Ad.”
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