
參觀我的【 伊生活小舖】

2015年4月23日 星期四


vBulletin 3.5.x, 3.6.x, 3.7.x, 3.8.x & 4.x Upgrade Instructions

A. Upload (and replace) ALL the files and folders within in the 'upload' folder to your forum root folder.

Note: Ensure all files are uploaded with the same folder structure provided within your 'upload' folder.

Note: Some FTP clients erase *all* files within a folder when set to "replace" contents in the destination site. If you want to preserve your old log files (located in 'forum-root/vbseo_sitemap/data/'), make sure that your FTP client *merges* folders but *replaces* files. This is usually a setting within the configuration options for the FTP client.

B. Go to your ADMIN CP > 'Plugins & Products' > 'Manage Products'

  1. Click on [Add/Import Product]
  2. Browse to the 'docs' folder of the installation package and open 'vbseo_sitemap.xml', set 'Allow Overwrite' to 'Yes' then click 'Import'.

F. Access your vBSEO Google/Bing Sitemap Reports:

  1. Using your browser, visit:
  2. Enter your vBSEO Sitemap Interface Access Password as defined in your sitemap settings via the vB admincp.

2015年4月22日 星期三

Mac OS X Mail server 10.10

This article walks you through the steps for setting up Apple Mail 8.0 on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).
  • Once you complete the setup, you’ll have an incoming IMAP connection using SSL (without warnings) and an SMTP connection using SSL (without warnings).

How to set up a new Mail account

Step one: Finding your email server

Replace "" with your actual domain name in the following examples:
04 mail servernames.png
  • outgoing –
  • incoming –
If does not work, an alternative is to use You can find your specific mail cluster in your panel on the (Panel > 'Support' > 'Data Centers') page.
Your mail cluster is to the right of any domain in the 'Mail services' section.
So, if your mail server is homiemail-sub4, your hostname would be
Dh-kb-note-icon.fw.png Note:When you set up the first email address under a domain (that is configured to be hosted with DreamHost), the DreamHost system automatically creates the necessary hostnames and MX records that are required to process email for that domain. Please also note that if this is your first address on a domain, it may take up to 6hrs for those emails to function.

Step two: Verifying the email user exists in your web panel

Make sure your email user is already set up in the DreamHost panel by going to (Panel > ‘Mail’ > ‘Manage E-mail’).
You will see your mail user listed on the page:
03 MacOSX web panel email user.fw.png

Step three: Setting up a new account in Mail

To set up a new account in Mail, follow these instructions:
  1. Open the Apple Mail application by clicking Mail in the top menu bar.
    04 MacOSX mail new account.fw.png
  2. Select the Add Account option.
    The 'Choose a mail account to add...' page opens:
    05 MacOSX mail account type.fw.png
  3. Select the Add Other Mail Account… option and click the Continue button.
    In this example, we'll use the email address "":
    06 MacOSX new user confirm2.fw.png
  4. Enter the following:
    • Full Name: This is how you'd like your name displayed when sending email.
    • Email Address: This field must contain the full email address.
    • Password: This is the password you set up for the email when creating it in your panel.
  5. Click the Create button when finished.
    You should receive notification that the Account must be manually configured:
  6. Click the Next button to proceed to manually configure your email address.
    After you click Next to proceed, the Incoming Mail Server Info page opens:
    07 MacOSX new incoming.fw.png
    Dh-kb-note-icon.fw.png Note:In this example, IMAP is used as the connection as this is the preferred protocol. But, if you wish you can also use POP to connect.

  7. Enter the following settings on the Incoming Mail Server Info page:
    • Account Type: IMAP
    • Mail Server: mail.EXAMPLE.COM (replacing EXAMPLE.COM with your actual domain name). In this example, is shown as the incoming Mail Server.
    • User Name: Your full email address.
    • Password: This is the password you set up for the email when creating it in your DreamHost panel.
  8. Click the Next button to proceed.
    After you click Next, you should receive a warning about the mail server certificate:
    08 MacOSX new certificate.fw.png
  9. Click the Connect button to accept the certificate.
    After you connect, the Outgoing Mail Server Info page opens:
    09 MacOSX new outgoing.fw.png
  10. Enter the following settings on the Outgoing Mail Server Info page:
    • SMTP Server: Use mail.EXAMPLE.COM (replacing EXAMPLE.COM with your actual domain name as you did previously). This example uses
    • User Name: Your full email address
    • Password: This is the password you set up for the email when creating it in your DreamHost panel.
  11. Click the Create button to create the email address.
Your new email address is now set up and ready to use. You can send a test message to confirm it's working properly.

How to make changes to an existing Mail account

To perform settings changes to a Mail account that you already set up, follow these instructions:

Editing existing Incoming settings

  1. Open the Apple Mail application by clicking Mail in the top menu bar.
    10 MacOSX mail edit pref - Copy - Copy.fw.png
  2. Select the Preferences option.
    The Accounts page opens:
    11 MacOSX new mail settings - Copy.fw.png
  3. Click the @ Accounts option in the top bar.
    12 MacOSX new mail imap settings.fw.png
  4. Click the Advanced tab in the upper right.
  5. Edit the incoming Port number and enable/disable SSL by selecting/deselecting the Use SSL box, as needed.

Editing pre-existing SMTP settings

  1. Open the Apple Mail application by clicking Mail in the top menu bar.
    10 MacOSX mail edit pref - Copy - Copy.fw.png
  2. Select the Preferences option.
    The Accounts page opens:
    11 MacOSX new mail settings - Copy.fw.png
  3. Click the @ Accounts option in the top bar.
    15 MacOSX new mail smtp list.fw.png
  4. Select your outgoing mail server from the available options within the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop-down list.
    After you select an outgoing mail server, the Account Information page opens:
    16 MacOSX new mail smtp ports.fw.png
  5. Click the Advanced tab.
  6. Edit the incoming SMTP Port number and enable/disable SSL by selecting/deselecting the Use SSL box, as needed.

2015年4月20日 星期一

How to Align Adsense Ads Left, Right and Center in Your Google


If you want to show your Google Adsense ad below post tile in blogger in the left side then copy the code shown below

    <div style="float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;">


If you want to show your Google Adsense ad below post tile in blogger in the center then copy the below code

    <div style="text-align: center; margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">

2015年4月16日 星期四

Access.log HTTP 狀態碼大致分成 5 類

HTTP 狀態碼大致分成 5 類 (粗體表示),完整的狀態碼概述如下:
  • 1xx - 參考資訊 (Informational)
    這些狀態碼代表主機先暫時回應用戶端一個狀態,所以在接收一般的回應之前,用戶端應準備接收一個或多個 1xx 的回應。我以前在寫 ASP 的時候比較有看到 IIS 使用到這些狀態碼回應,在 Apache 的環境我還未曾遇到過。
    • 100 - 繼續。
    • 101 - 切換通訊協定。
  • 2xx - 成功 (OK)這類的狀態碼表示伺服器成功接收到用戶端要求、理解用戶端要求、以及接受用戶端要求。
    • 200 - 確定。 用戶端要求成功。
    • 201 - 已建立。
    • 202 - 已接受。
    • 203 - 非授權資訊。
    • 204 - 無內容。
    • 205 - 重設內容。
    • 206 - 部分內容。
    • 207 - 多重狀態 (WebDAV) -- 這好像只有在 IIS 中才有,HTTP/1.1 並沒有定義這個狀態。這狀態會出現在可以包含多個不同回應代碼 (視子要求數量而定) 的 XML 訊息之前。

2015年4月14日 星期二

apache 壓力測試結果.

無法查看此摘要。請 按這裡查看文章。

GOOGLE DRIVE 雲端硬碟-圖片檔案外部連結網址轉換器

對於喜歡玩弄自己部落格的網友而言, 網路硬碟是相當重要的資源, 尤以能夠外連使用的檔案更是難得! 雲端硬碟的使用有兩大類:一種是儲存檔案或是可共享下載; 這對於資訊傳遞的便利有很大影響. 另一種是除了可以儲存分享外; 還能夠拿來直接外部連結使用, 例如上邊這張圖片就是外連圖片網址可以直接在網路上使用.
會提到Google Drive, 多少是因為方便外連的空間越來越少. 非常好用的Dropbox的新申請帳戶現在變成只提供儲存檔案或分享下載; 有點擔心哪天我這幾個老帳號全變成不能外連, 屆時Blogger使用到該檔案的舊文章會變成叉燒加空格, 或是jQuery檔案不能作用. 上次看到 +魏子靖 (靖.技場) 分享 如何取得Google Drive的外連網址 就很心動! 不過這種非官方公布的絕招讓我有點怕怕的, 哪天忽然封鎖...

經過大半年的觀察, 好像還可以繼續用, 不過麻煩的是還要轉貼網址, 像我這樣手拙又粗心的人, 難免記錯網址格式. 懶人自有懶方法~ 自製一個轉換器放在側欄工具或是加入書籤備用. 轉換檔案網址的類型有兩種, 請先到上述 (靖.技場) 的連結了解一下獲得檔案網址的概念, 就不必再重複教學.

測試ok阻止圖片盜連,remove(images-pic) 放置於google雲端硬碟




2015年4月10日 星期五

AllMyTube 輕鬆下載 Facebook, Vimeo, VEVO… 等一千多個網站的影片(Windows, Mac)

YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo,VEVO… 等各種網站看到有趣的影片時,如果想把它下載到自己的電腦中,那該怎麼做呢?
Wondershare AllMyTube 是個相當實用的下載軟體,透過下載管理軟體與各種瀏覽器外掛兩邊的配合,讓我們輕鬆下載各種常見網站的影音內容。號稱可支援包含 YouTube, VEVO, Vimeo, BlipTV, LiveLeak, BBC…等一千多個各式影音分享網站與 Facebook..等社群網站(不知道怎麼數的,應該是個誇飾法吧?)。
使用方式很簡單,安裝好 AllMyTube 軟體後,會幫我們在 IE, Firefox 與 Google Chrome 瀏覽器中插入特製的外掛程式,當我們手動啟用該應用程式之後,每當瀏覽到可支援的影音分享網站或社群網站時,影片右上角會出現一個下載按鈕,按一下下載按鈕即可透過 AllMyTube 軟體將影片下載到我們的電腦中。

AllMyTube 可支援 Windows 與 Mac OS X 等作業系統。
▇ 軟體小檔案 ▇    
  • 軟體名稱:AllMyTube
  • 軟體版本:4.1.0
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 軟體性質:試用版,付費軟體
  • 檔案大小:727KB
  • 系統支援:Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8, Mac OS X
  • 官方網站:
  • 軟體下載:


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